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Reports, briefs and factsheets on the latest labor market intelligence.

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    Showing 61-70 of 122 results


    Harnessing India’s Potential Through Renewables and Jobs

    Flagging economic growth in recent years coupled with joblessness and underemployment has created the dual imperative of generating more employment and enhancing productivity. Renewables hold the potential to help address both these aims.

    Entrepreneurship 20 October 2014

    Entrepreneurship as a Youth Job Creation Strategy in Indonesia: A case study from Belu District, Indonesia

    The Indonesian government has rolled out the National Entrepreneurship Movement, which seeks to reduce youth unemployment through a collection of training and micro-finance programs.

    by Victoria Fanggidae

    Just Jobs Index 2014

    The JustJobs Index (JJI) is a comprehensive, data-driven approach to measuring the quantity and quality of jobs around the world. The 2014 JJI ranks countries on one of the most important metrics of economic success: just job creation.

    Education and Skills 10 October 2014

    Overcoming the Youth Employment Crisis: Strategies From Around the Globe

    This report examines what some governments, companies, and civil society groups are currently doing to improve youth employment outcomes, and with what effect.

    Trade and Supply Chains 6 October 2014

    Pathways to Inclusive Growth: 5 Steps to Create Just Jobs in Africa

    A guide for African leaders and the international community on how to create good jobs in one of the world's most dynamic and rapidly evolving regions.

    by Sabina Dewan et al.
    Welfare and Rights 30 September 2014

    The New Egyptian Labor Movement: Giving Youth a Voice in the Workplace

    The rise of independent trade unions is fostering a more stable environment for job creation and offering Egyptian youth a channel for voicing their demands.

    by Kristian Takvam Kindt
    Education and Skills 30 September 2014

    Apprenticeships for Everyone? An Assessment of Germany’s “Transition System”

    An increasing number of German youth are unable to access Germany's much lauded vocational training system due to increased competition and a shortage of spots. The German government has introduced the "transition system"– a collection of schemes aimed at providing young people a bridge between school and the vocational training system.

    by Bettina Kohlrausch
    Education and Skills 30 September 2014

    Apprenticeships in the United States: Can They Improve Youth Employment Outcomes?

    In the post-recession labor market, young Americans face high levels of unemployment, low wage jobs, and record-high college costs. A lack of awareness and misperceptions among businesses, hinders the apprenticeship model from creating pathways to well paying jobs that don't require the youth to take on student debt.

    by Sarah Ayres
    Welfare and Rights 30 September 2014

    Brazil’s Social Welfare Approach: Improving Job Outcomes for the Youth by Delaying Entrance Into Workforce

    Young people in Brazil enter the workforce too early, hindering their ability to gain the education and employable skills that deliver good job outcomes. The Brazilian government has implemented a broad set of social welfare schemes aimed at giving families financial relief, enabling youth to stay in school longer and delay their entry into the labor force.

    by Alfredo Santos, Gregory Randolph
    Education and Skills 30 September 2014

    Bridging the Information Gap in the U.S. Labor Market

    Viridis Learning is a unique educational and job-matching program aimed at fostering a labor market-matching infrastructure through a technology platform, that includes features such as an employability score, a lifelong "Skill Passport" with stackable credentials and employer access to a real-time database of qualified job candidates.

    by Felix W. Ortiz III

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