
Ekkehard Ernst


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    8 December 2020

    Rethinking the World of Work

    The pandemic is accelerating the advancement of technology, which was already restructuring labor markets. For many, technology has enhanced efficiency and enabled remote work, but for others, it has disrupted livelihoods. The key question is this: Whose jobs will vanish and who can access the new forms of work?

    by Sabina Dewan, Ekkehard Ernst
    Technology 2 December 2020

    Rethinking the World of Work

    Sabina Dewan, JJN President and Executive Director, writes a piece with Ekkehard Ernst, International Labour Organization, on "Rethinking the World of Work" for the International Monetary Fund's quarterly magazine "Finance & Development".

    by Sabina Dewan, Ekkehard Ernst

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