Our people

Sabina Dewan,
President and Executive Director,
JustJobs Network

Message from the President
and Executive Director

When the JustJobs story began ten years ago, countries around the world were bleeding jobs in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Today, the problems of jobless growth, stagnant wages and rising inequality remain endemic, and thought leaders across the ideological spectrum realize the need for a paradigm shift in economic policymaking.

JustJobs Network works with policymakers, business leaders, and civil society to help define a new kind of economic growth – one that puts people first, recognizes the value of work, and fosters the creation of just and equitable societies.

We work to find solutions to some of the most pressing questions of our time: How do we create more and better employment? How do we ensure access to “just jobs” – complete with appropriate remuneration, social protections, rights at work and opportunities for economic mobility?

Anil Kakani

Managing Partner, Vikasa Holdings, Former Executive Director of Cross Border Initiatives and Rathi Advisory Services, Senior Advisor to U.S. Treasury Secretary

Anurag Behar

CEO, Azim Premji Foundation, Former CEO of Wipro Infrastructure Engineering

Bruce Stokes

Director, Global Economic Attitudes, Pew Research Center, Washington D.C.

Haroon Bhorat

Director of the Development Policy Research Unit and Professor of Economics, University of Cape Town

Kapil Sharma

Vice President, Government and Public Affairs, North America at Wipro, Washington D.C.

Karen Tramontano

Founder and President of the Global Fairness Initiative and CEO of Blue Star Strategies, LLC

Lord Peter Mandelson

President of Policy Network, Former EU Commissioner of Trade, Former UK Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills

Manish Sabharwal

Chairman and co-founder of Teamlease Services, former CEO of Hewitt Outsourcing (Asia), Co-founder of India Life, Member of National Skill Mission chaired by the Prime Minister of India

Maria João Rodrigues

Professor of European Economic Policies at Université Libre de Bruxelles and University of Lisbon, Former Minister for Qualifications and Employment of Portugal, Former Chair of the Advisory Group to the European Commission for Social Sciences and Humanities

Michael Ettlinger

Founding Director of Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire

Partha Mukhopadhyay

Senior Fellow of Centre for Policy Research (CPR), part of the founding team at the Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC), Export-Import Bank of India, the World Bank, Washington D.C.

Prakash Loungani

Advisor and Senior Budget Manager, International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C.

Reema Nanavaty

Director of Economic and Rural Development and former Secretary General, Self Employed Women’s Association

Sabina Dewan

President & Executive Director of JustJobs Network and Senior Fellow at Center for American Progress


Our organizational culture reflects our vision for an inclusive world of work.

Aditya Prem Kumar

Research Associate

Anita Manoharan

Head of Programs & Development

Archana Rajendran

Social Media Consultant

Devesh Taneja


Isha Gupta

Research Lead

Gregory Randolph

Founding Partner

Hue Tam Jamme


Kaushiki Sanyal


Melvin Kunjumon

Research Associate

Pranav Gupta

Research Associate

Prerna Seth


Raghav Chakravarthy

Senior Research Associate

Rahul Chitkara

Manager – Finance and Operations

Renjini Rajagopalan

Research Lead

Ritwika Mukherjee

Senior Research Associate

Sristi Bhatt

Design Lead

Venkatesh Bilvam

Head of Communications, Design and Digital