
Gregory Randolph

Founding Partner, JustJobs Network


Dr. Gregory F. Randolph is Founding Partner at the JustJobs Network, serving in key leadership roles at the organization since its founding in 2013. He has spent over a decade conducting applied research in emerging economies through his work with JJN. His work focuses on issues of local economic development, urbanization, and spatial inequality.

In addition to his role at JJN, Gregory is an Assistant Professor in the School of City and Regional Planning at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. He has also consulted for multilateral institutions such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank and served as an economic policy advisor to prominent Los Angeles City Councilmember, Nithya Raman. Gregory has been awarded the Fulbright-Hays and Fulbright-Nehru research fellowships as well as the Clinton Fellowship of the American India Foundation. He received his PhD from the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California.

Gregory’s policy work and academic research has been supported by a range of institutions: the International Development Research Centre (Canada), London School of Economics, U.S. Departments of Education and State, USC Lusk Center, Solidarity Center, and German Marshall Fund. His opinion writing has appeared in media outlets such as The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Hindustan Times, Indian Express, and The Jakarta Post. He speaks Hindi and Bahasa Indonesia.

Find out more about Gregory’s work on his personal website.

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    Showing 1-10 of 42 results

    Urbanization 26 February 2024

    Bihar-India’s latest urban frontier

    Bihar’s unconventional urbanisation is not characterised by the development of industrial hubs that generally characterise the process of urbanisation. Despite being famous for its out-migration, Bihar is experiencing something that the author describes as “urbanisation from within” i.e. the natural growth and densification of small towns and villages, increased population density and a shift from agriculture to non-farm activities. This article points out challenges in this form of urbanisation and suggests changes that will transform these urbanising villages into centers of job-rich economic development.

    Urbanization 12 February 2022

    Transforming secondary cities in Uganda for job creation

    Across developing countries, the combined forces of rapid population growth, a burgeoning youth workforce, and urbanisation have created a policy imperative to generate jobs at an enormous scale. While primary cities must play a role in this job creation, it is unrealistic to imagine that all the necessary jobs, or even the majority, can be created in a single metropolitan area. In this blog, the authors make the case for government measures and policies focusing on creating jobs and promoting economic development in secondary cities.

    Urbanization 17 March 2020

    Planning the Small City: Striking the Balance Between Big Projects and Local Agency

    Across the world, the nature of urban planning and city governance depends a lot on how power is distributed among tiers of government. India and Indonesia have both pursued strategies to "decentralize" their governments and invest local authorities with more power. Those policies and their effects, however, look different across the two countries.

    Urbanization 17 February 2020

    Transforming Secondary Urban Areas for Job Creation: A Study of Uganda

    Rapid population growth and a growing youth workforce, coupled with rapid urbanization, have created a policy imperative to generate jobs on a large scale across Sub-Saharan Africa.

    by Miljan Sladoje et al.
    Migration 7 January 2020

    Mangalore: The Front Lines of India’s Employment, Migration and Urban Challenges

    This report focuses on Mangalore, Karnataka to highlight dispersed urbanisation and job opportunities outside large cities. It provides data and makes policy recommendations for economic development and inclusive job markets.

    by Mukta Naik, Gregory Randolph
    Migration 3 January 2020

    Kishangarh: The Front Lines of India’s Employment, Migration and Urban Challenges

    This research project, of which this city profile is a part, turns its attention to the ‘where’ of the demographic dividend – what kind of geographies are experiencing the transition of youth from agriculture to non-farm work?

    by Mukta Naik, Gregory Randolph
    Migration, Urbanization 22 July 2019

    Migrants Aren’t Streaming Into Cities, and What This Means for Urban India

    Gregory Randolph, Executive Vice- President of JustJobs Network co-authors an article on how migrants are part of the solution for cities, published by Hindustan Times.

    Technology 31 May 2019

    New Opportunities in the Platform Economy : On-Ramps to Formalization in the Global South

    The JustJobs Network team has collaborated with the Future of Work in the Global South, to examine the platform economy workers in the global South. The findings and recommendations of this paper aim to improve policymakers’ access to data on platform economy work and, second, on using that information to design integrated systems of taxation and social protection and develop appropriate legal definitions of platform services and workers.

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