Closing the Gender Wage Gap in Indian Agriculture: Recognizing women’s contributions through equal wages

10 September 2015

This report provides an overview of the wage differentials between men and women in India's agriculture sector and explores explanations for why female work continues to be undervalued.

This report was featured as a chapter in “GLOBAL WAGE DEBATES: POLITICS OR ECONOMICS?” a joint report co-authored by the global partners of JustJobs Network.

Realizing the promise of India as an emerging market economy entails recognizing the burden of work and responsibility on women in agriculture, removing the obstacles that constrain their productivity, and adequately compensating women in the sector toward ultimately closing the gender pay gap.

This report provides an overview of the wage differentials between men and women in India’s agriculture sector and explores explanations for why female work continues to be undervalued. It ends by proposing concrete policy measures to help close the gender wage gap in Indian agriculture.