Income and Wages

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    Showing 1-10 of 25 results


    Budget 2024: Where are the ‘good jobs’. Wages aren’t working for women

    As the Union Government of India presents its interim budget, Sabina Dewan reviews the state of the country's labour market, and related policies. Theincrease in overall labour force participation is largely driven by an increase in rural female labour force participation, and comes against a backdrop of heighted rural distress with a consistent decline in inflation-adjusted real wages over the last five years. In light of shifting demographics, technological upheaval, climate change, and the pandemic, she makes the case for a robust policy response codified in a national employment strategy that can foster an ecosystem conducive to the growth of good jobs.

    Data story
    Income and Wages 5 October 2023

    Employment Patterns and Gender Disparities in Odisha’s Agri-economy

    This data story analyses the agriculture sector in Odisha through the lens of gender, and spotlights transformations and disparities.

    by Shubhankar Bajpai
    Income and Wages 4 October 2023

    Time for a National Urban Employment Guarantee Act? Lessons from Odisha’s Urban Wage Employment Initiative

    The success of UWEI and MUKTA, Odisha’s initiatives to curb pandemic-induced urban employment could well be the blueprint for a National Urban Employment Guarantee Act that emphasizes worker security, community involvement and a gender-inclusive design.

    Income and Wages 14 June 2022

    Competitiveness and Resilience through Social Security: Toward a More Inclusive System

    This brief provides an overview of the current state of India's social security system and raises questions about how to best streamline and restructure the current fragmented approach to iteratively move toward universal provision that extends coverage to more people.

    Data story
    Income and Wages 16 November 2017

    Urban Revival for Inclusive Cities: The Cases of Detroit and Bilbao 

    Legacy cities of the Transatlantic region experienced prosperity and growth during the industrial era in North America and Europe. Globalization and technological advancement have compelled these urban areas once built on heavy manufacturing industries to reform and revitalize their economies. What will the 21st century bring for workers and economies in Transatlantic legacy cities?

    Income and Wages 22 September 2015

    Can Myanmar’s Minimum Wage Avoid the Pitfalls of Bangladesh’s Garment Sector?

    JustJobs Network Research Associate Jit Shankar Banerjee recently published an op-ed in the Myanmar Times proposing key reforms to the incoming government to increase productivity, while ensuring a high minimum wage floor and social protections such as healthcare and pensions.

    by Jit Shankar Banerjee
    Income and Wages 14 September 2015

    Three Rules of Thumb to Raise Wages and Reduce Inequality

    Case studies from Brazil to China, from the United States to Germany, reveal that to square higher wages and competitiveness, governments must adhere to three rules of thumb.

    Income and Wages 10 September 2015

    The Need for Open, Accessible Wage Data

    Given the impact access to data can have, governments around the world have a responsibility to improve their data monitoring capabilities and increase the data that they are sharing with researchers and the public.

    by Amanbir Singh

    Street Vendors Bear the Brunt of Indian Summers

    Policymakers must recognize that the heatwave does not only impact the livelihoods of farmers and daily-wage labourers. Any strategy to mitigate the negative effects of climate change on livelihoods should also incorporate urban street vendors. A first start would be fixing the issues of the 2014 law and ensuring provision of basic facilities.

    by Suhasini Vira
    Income and Wages 16 January 2015

    International Monetary Fund Underscores the Importance of Jobs for Macroeconomic Stability

    A new report by the IMF and Economist Intelligence Unit acknowledges the importance of quality jobs, calling the JustJobs Index a "valuable look at income and employment security and working conditions."

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