Trade and Supply Chains

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      Trade and Supply Chains 5 January 2021

      Just Jobs in Global Value Chains: Defining Inclusive Industrialization for ASEAN

      Over the last three decades, the world has seen a shift away from arms-length trade brokered through trade agreements between governments toward a fragmentation of production processes across nations carried out through private transactions between firms. 

      by Sabina Dewan et al.
      Trade and Supply Chains 2 January 2021

      The Philippines in the Electronics Global Value Chains

      This report provides an in-depth analysis of the Philippines’ economic evolution, particularly in the electronics sector, and offers insights into the challenges and opportunities for future growth and development in the context of globalisation and changing trade dynamics.


      Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: A Case Study of Myanmar’s Garment Sector

      This report focuses on Myanmar’s garment sector, studying firm-level economic and social upgrades to inform inclusive industrial policies.

      by Min Zar Ni Lin et al.

      Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: A Case Study of Thailand’s Electronics Sector

      This report spotlights Thailand’s electronics sector, which has adapted to global competition with technological evolution but still relies on low-skilled labour. It highlights the gaps and challenges in the sector and highlights the changes it needs to adopt for value chain advancement.

      by Jidapa Meepien, Chongdee Chandam

      Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: A Case Study of Vietnam’s Apparel and Electronics Sectors

      This report addresses the gap in studies on the impact of global value chains (GVCs) on both economic and social aspects, and highlights the need for Vietnamese firms to upgrade and balance economic and social considerations.

      by Nguyen Thang et al.

      Video Series: Six Asian Leaders on the Future of Factory Asia

      JustJobs Network and International Development Research Centre facilitated conversations between Andrew North, former BBC correspondent for South Asia, and five Asian leaders on the future of Factory Asia.


      This Is What ‘Make in India’ Needs to Repeat China’s Success

      The piece argues that, despite its manufacturing push through "Make in India", the country will only be able to compete with Chinese manufacturing if it promotes fair and efficient labor laws, encourages women's entry into the workforce, and invests in human capital.


      The Quest for Asia’s Next Manufacturing Miracle

      The piece argues that newly emerging Asian economies will have to fashion a new 21st century model of economic growth that is characterized by a diverse manufacturing sector, skilled workforce and a new deal between business and labor.

      Trade and Supply Chains 6 October 2014

      Pathways to Inclusive Growth: 5 Steps to Create Just Jobs in Africa

      A guide for African leaders and the international community on how to create good jobs in one of the world's most dynamic and rapidly evolving regions.

      by Sabina Dewan et al.
      Trade and Supply Chains 25 September 2014

      Women Human Rights Defenders: Training Youth to Lead Reform in the Apparel Sector

      The key to reform in the apparel industry lies in enabling young, first- time workers to stand up for their rights. As the vast majority of apparel sector workers are young women, better collaboration between women's rights organizations and trade unions is an imperative.

      by Judy Gearhart

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