
Knut Panknin


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    Showing 1-3 of 3 results

    Education and Skills 19 July 2017

    How Can Advanced Economies Benefit From Germany’s Skills Training Model?

    Germany's model of dual vocational training is a key contributor to its strong economy, low youth unemployment and high competitiveness. How can other advanced economies develop and implement a similar system?

    by Knut Panknin
    Welfare and Rights 26 June 2012

    Germany’s Lessons for a Strong Economy: Cooperation Between Business and Unions

    Knut Panknin presents the views of a top industrialist and a union leader on Germany's economic success, both of whom agree that a well-paid workforce is essential to strong economic growth.

    by Knut Panknin
    Income and Wages 11 September 2015

    Global Wage Debates: Politics or Economics?

    The 10-chapter volume examines a rich diversity of wage-related policy issues from around the world: wage inequality in Brazil; minimum wage setting in decentralized Indonesia; the gender dimensions of agricultural wages in India; and the impact of state-level minimum wages in the United States, among other topics.

    by Gregory Randolph, Knut Panknin

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