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    Showing 251-258 of 258 results


    American Labor’s New Agenda: A Movement for Global Shared Prosperity

    The destiny of the American labor movement depends on awakening within its ranks a belief in shared prosperity beyond U.S. borders.

    Income and Wages 10 July 2013

    Global Wage Trends for Apparel Workers

    Declining wages and persistent poverty for garment workers in a majority of the world's leading apparel-exporting countries raises doubt that export-led development strategies create a rising tide that lifts all boats.

    MSMEs 20 April 2013

    Financial Inclusion, Microenterprises and Jobs in India

    For the PMJDY to be successful, expanding social insurance and assistance will be the lower hurdle, and creating jobs by extending banking facilities to more micro enterprises will be the larger challenge.

    by Jit Shankar Banerjee
    Gender 21 December 2012

    What the International Community Can Do to Support the Protest Against the Delhi Gang Rape

    Governments around the world including the United States, multinational corporations, and international development and human rights organizations expend valuable resources on women's empowerment programs in developing nations such as India.

    Trade and Supply Chains 23 February 2012

    Getting State-Owned Enterprises Right in the Trans-Pacific Partnership

    Sabina Dewan details why state-owned enterprises need to operate just like any other business in this proposed free trade region and suggests ways to make that happen.

    Welfare and Rights 10 December 2010

    Social Protection Is a Necessity, Not a Privilege

    The Great Recession highlights deficiencies in social protection systems that should be in place to promote broad-based economic growth.

    Others 20 October 2010

    Bringing Coherence to the Promotion of Just Jobs Around the World

    Countries in both the Global North and Global South must get behind an agenda that focuses on the creation of "just jobs" for the global economy.


    The Changing Climate in India

    The United States and China are two of the biggest annual emitters of greenhouse gases. But India may be the country that provides the necessary breakthrough in international negotiations to help developed and developing countries reach an agreement.

    by Andrew Light et al.